Friday, May 13, 2011

I want someone to lie next to me.

I want someone to lie next to me. 
Someone to wake up next to in the morning. 
I would wake up thinking about a weird dream I had - a boy laying next to me - and I would feel a tinge of sadness as I’d remember it was only a dream. 
And then I’d move and feel him next to me, I’d slowly turn my head and smile to myself. 
I’d watch him sleep for a while, watch the sunbeams on his skin and how peacefully he’s looking when he’s asleep.
Then I’d get up, slowly, maybe, and tiptoe through the room. 
If I felt like it, I would go to make coffee for him and tea for me since I don’t like coffee.
Or maybe I’d just sit on the chair and watch him sleeping a bit more. Then, I’d remember how he says it’s creepy and I’d slowly turn away, smiling, to look outside into sleepy morning sunlight.
Yes, that’s what I would do.
I wrote this a couple of months ago and just found it and thought that I’d share it with you. Let me know what you think, if you want to :)


  1. This is beautiful , made me smile. It makes me think of my boyfriend. X

  2. this post is lovely.

    thanks for your comment, your a great writer.


  3. I really like it. I often think about my non-existent boyfriend and myself waking up together. Sigh.

  4. Thanks a million for your splendid words you left me.
    I really love your blog. You're a very talented writer...keep up the good work!

    Never stop writing.

    Thank you for simply being you.



  5. krásne napísané! to by som si želala aj ja :)


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